ASEED Europe (Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Diversity) is an international campaigning organisation, giving importance to involving youth in direct democracy activities and targeting the structural causes of environmental destruction and social injustice.  

The international ASEED organisation was established by young engaged people in 1991 in response to the UNCED Earth Summit proceedings in Rio de Janeiro, which aimed to forge alliances among young people committed to social and environmental justice.

Since 1992, decentralised networks have grown, and regional “hubs” were created. Each hub has its own level of activity, linking youth groups and individuals in their own region. By now each hub has developed in its own way, working independently from each other.

ASEED Europe works with about 10 people, based in Amsterdam. Only 3 of them are under part-time paid contract, the other ones are team members part of the one-year European project ESC, interns and volunteers.

Action for Solidarity, Environment, Equality and Diversity

In the current context of environmental degradation, climate change and the alarming loss of biodiversity, ASEED’s standpoint is to help finding and developing new, viable and sustainable alternatives to the production and consumption patterns of modern economic systems.

Believing that people have the potential to change their lives and communities for the better, ASEED Europe focuses on supporting and empowering both groups and individuals who are striving to create their own alternatives based on respect, equity, solidarity and sustainability.

ASEED Europe’s commitment to the preservation of diversity is both cultural and biological. The organisation rejects and works towards ending any type of discriminations, as much as the inequalities that can derive from it in terms of access to resources and sovereignty.

ASEED works together with many contacts in the rest of Europe and abroad on the following objectives:

  • Initiating and coordinating actions and campaigns on environmental, development and social justice issues;
  • Promoting discussions and disseminating information about critical emerging issues;
  • Empowering local youth groups and grassroots organisations via trainings, joint projects and knowledge sharing;
  • Establishing partnerships between various organisations and groups worldwide and facilitating international cooperation and networking;
  • Preparing projects from the ASEED Europe office and working with local grassroots organisations.

Regarding agriculture and food, ASEED Europe has launched a Community food solidarity project, with the aim to support small-scale farmers, refugee friends and alternative community kitchens in the Netherlands. Solidarity farming events are organized to give support to agroecological farmers and refugees who gain paid work experience.

More recently, the organisation has started a series of Farmer Portraits introducing the life and work of farmers from all over the world.

Seed collection

ASEED Europe used to manage its own seed bank, created from seed exchanges happening every year during the festival Reclaim the Seeds. That event combines the exchange of information and plant genetic resources, with discussions on political themes and practical workshops. The goal is to involve more people in the movement towards agricultural biodiversity and sustainable food production, in particular by encouraging the exchange of rare and special varieties.

For some years now, ASEED no longer saves, stores or distributes seeds. It remains close to the topics of agricultural biodiversity by doing research, attending to events and holding its owns. Besides the Reclaim the Seeds, ASEED organizes every year the Food Autonomy Festival.

How to get seeds?

Although ASEED no longer collects and distributes its own seeds, you can access its community's plany genetic resources by attending the annual Reclaim the Seeds! festival and participating to the seed swaps.

How to join or support the organisation?

People can support ASEED’s actions by taking part to the many activities it offered and organized:

  • The monthly open campaign meetings,
  • The annual festivals,
  • The campaigns Fossil Free Agriculture and Free the Soil,
  • The action camps,
  • The Solidarity Farming project,
  • The protests,
  • The conferences and talks in social centres, squats, university’s...

To be able to continue and grow its independent and critical volunteer-based organisation, ASEED Europe also needs the financial support of people that sympathize with its positions and actions.

Anyone can become a special contributor of the organisation, in return of some special thank-you gifts.