A seed for change, is a non-profit organization specialized in balcony's seed reproduction and propagation. It was named after a 74 minutes documentary film, directed and produced by filmmaker Alexandros Ikonomidis, as his first feature length documentary. Lacking the finances didn’t stop Alexandros from completing this beautiful film, now available online, and that we strongly adivse you to watch and share.

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Alternative community Peliti is a 100% voluntary and non-profit seed saving organization, created in 1995. It aims at collecting, cultivating and disseminating seeds from traditional varieties, as well as raising awareness in Greece about the importance to safeguard local plant heritage. The movement was founded by Panagiotis Saitanoudis, and now gathers a wide community of supporters. Free sharing and cooperation between human beings are the fundamentals of Peliti’s philosophy, which focuses on creating strong relationships within the community and promoting the non-profit dissemination of plant genetic resources. Find out more...