Bingenheimer Saatgut AG is a company limited by share, marketing organic seeds from reproducible varieties. It was created after the foundation in the 80’s of the “Initiative Group for Biodynamic Vegetable Seeds”. It is currently working with 50 co-workers and 119 shareholders, representing organic agriculture, trade and processing. Together with its many partners, it aspires to maintain the diversity of genetic resources for future generations, focusing on the urgent need to improve organic seed production in Europe. Find out more...
The Kultursaat Association is a non-profit charity founded in 1994 by organic farmers gathered within the “Initiative Group for Biodynamic Vegetable Seeds" and dedicated to the dissemination of open-pollinated seed varieties adapted to organic production. The main purpose of the association is to promote the selection, multiplication and dissemination of varieties primarily made for professional organic farmers. Kultursaart currently has nearly 250 members – breeders, producers, hobby gardeners, resellers and consumers. Find out more...
Lebende Samen is a non-profit organisation committed to support and fund research projects on organic plant breeding for the Mediterranean region. It was founded in 2016 by Stefan Doeblin, who is also founder of two comercial seed companies. Find out more...
The Thams family farm is located on the island of Pellworm, off the coasts of Germany in the North Sea. It manages 80 ha, half of which is for permanent pasture of cows and the other half, for forage and cereals. The farm was converted to organic in 2018. If this the transition may have seemed risky at the time, local organic farmers are now much better off economically. In 2021, Jan Gonne Thams, son of the family, decided to start an experiment on the possibilities to produce his own organic cereal seeds. Find out more...
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